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News and Media

The latest news and announcements from TRC plus recent coverage of our experts and thought leaders.


Discover TRC's most recent coverage of our experts and thought leaders in local, national, and global news outlets.


What Is Grid Resilience and How Can It Be Improved?

Understand power grid resilience. Future-proof your operation with TRC Companies, using technology and expertise to boost grid resiliency today.


What Is a Distributed Energy Resource?

Click here to learn more about integrated distributed energy resources and how to choose one that benefits your unique needs with TRC Companies.


Decarbonization 101

Learn how to incorporate decarbonization practices to reduce your contribution to carbon dioxide emissions. Work toward sustainability with our solutions.


Understanding 2024 TSCA Amendments for Sites With PCBs

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are man-made organic chemical composed of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine atoms on the biphenyl ring.


TRC acquires Paustenbach & Associates, a Leader in Toxicology, Exposure Science and Risk Assessment

Paustenbach & Associates will expand TRC’s capabilities in the areas of health hazard assessments and litigation support.


The Relationship Between Climate- Related Weather Hazards and Chemical Storage/ Emergency Preparedness

Chemical Risk Management addresses the risks that harmful chemicals pose to humans and the environment.


Bioventing Residual LNAPL Plumes

TRC’s expert discusses the basics of hydrocarbon bioventing and bioventing system and well design. Two case studies are also provided to demonstrate examples of bioventing source remediation and the installation of a bioventing system at a refinery and a bulk fuel farm.


LNAPL Recovery Tips For Unconsolidated Media

Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) is a groundwater contaminant that is not soluble in water.

Watch TRC Decommission Los Angeles Power Plant

In 2017 TRC was awarded a $14.2 million contract to decommission one of the three generating units at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Scattergood Generating Station – while the other two units there remained in full service.

TRC's Integrated Project Execution Services

TRC has reinvented the way pipeline projects are delivered, integrating services to cover everything from routing, permitting and surveying to engineering and construction management. By integrating these services, we remove the interface and communication barriers and delays that multiply with each additional contractor that’s involved.

Looking for effective solutions to your problems?

Turn to the experts at TRC.

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