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At TRC, sustainability is a fundamental principle that drives our business.

TRC Corporate Sustainability Commitments

Read our 2023 Sustainability Report here
Through our continuing commitment to develop top talent, deepen our understanding of our clients’ needs, and deliver sustainable solutions to the communities in which we live and work, we are tackling some of the most pressing energy, environmental and infrastructure challenges the world faces. We collaborate with clients to design solutions with tangible and quantifiable results that often provide ongoing benefits, long after a project’s completion. Our integrated approach to solutions is focused on balancing economic growth, social responsibility and environmental stewardship through the entire project life cycle. Through our creative and forward-looking approach to the market, we strive to continually create value for our clients.


TRC has been setting and achieving goals to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions since 2015. In 2022 we announced our commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2040 for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, with interim 2030 targets. Emissions are verified annually by a third-party and are publicly reported annually in our Sustainability Report, through CDP and through various supplier screening venues as requested by clients. We align our reporting with the TCFD recommendations and reference ISSB IFRS S2 and GRI standards.

We have developed a transition plan to accelerate our progress that includes the following focus areas:

  • Enhance energy management and reduce our physical footprint.
  • Purchase 100% renewable energy for our offices, starting in FY23.
  • Optimize fleet, including use of lower-emitting fuels and electrification.
  • Optimize business travel to ensure a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Prioritize sustainable procurement practices.

We provide thought leadership and services to help our clients develop decarbonization strategies aligned with the Paris Agreement goal of staying under 1.5°C, while building resiliency and catalyzing system change for energy equity. Our services include advising, design and construction in renewable energy and energy storage, energy efficiency, fleet electrification; advisory and implementation services related to fuel switching and emerging climate technologies (e.g., hydrogen, biomass, RNG, CCUS, etc.); GHG mitigation and decarbonization strategies; resiliency and adaptation planning, sustainable infrastructure, data verification and digital solutions. Our Sustainability Report highlights our project work in the energy transition and climate space, aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals #7, #9, #11 and #13.


Our EHS Policy states our commitment to comply with applicable environmental regulations, responsibly manage natural resources and promote sustainable operations and business practices.

We are committed to minimizing our material inputs and maximizing recycling opportunities associated with our operational footprint and service delivery. We are committed to ensuring recycling programs are implemented in all offices where recycling options exist.


Our commitment to employee engagement, talent development and diversity and inclusion paves the way for TRC to be the employer of choice in our industry.  Our cultural and professional development programs are outlined on our Why TRC page.

We provide extension skills training, and our Performance Management Program provides an opportunity for the employee and manager to review and evaluate performance and set goals for future action.

We are committed to respecting all human rights, as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our Human Rights Policy applies to all TRC employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners and others through whom we conduct business.


Advancing diversity and inclusion in our organization helps us live our values and achieve a positive impact for our constituencies. Individuals from diverse backgrounds and abilities help create a workplace with varied skills, knowledge, experiences and opinions. This creates a problem-solving environment, which, in turn, provides our clients with innovative, diverse solutions and higher levels of service.


TRC’s Health and Safety Management System is one of continuous improvement and starts with a corporate-wide commitment to safety in our EHS Policy, which outlines expectations for accountability of our leadership team, employees, and our contractors, suppliers and partners.


We are committed to partnerships with suppliers that also share our dedication to conducting business in a legal, ethical and socially responsible manner. Our Supplier Code of Conduct clarifies our expectations in the areas of business integrity, labor practices, human rights, employee health and safety, and environmental management.

Our Supplier Diversity Management Program (SDMP) promotes diversity and inclusion in our operations, services and procurement processes so we can deliver exceptional value for our clients. We acknowledge our clients’ diversity goals and strive to meet or exceed them in the execution of each contract. Our dynamic program accommodates varying goals and requirements, including project-specific objectives, performance tracking and reporting. We are committed to continually enhancing our SDMP and we strive to provide our employees with the necessary resources and education needed to implement the program effectively.


Our commitment to strict ethical standards contributes directly to the professional reputation of our Company. TRC’s approach to ethical business transactions is guided by our corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The Code is principles-based and assumes the application of professional judgment. 

We strive to conduct business honestly, fairly, ethically, free from corruption and in compliance with all applicable laws.

We do not tolerate corruption or bribery and require our staff and other business partners to comply with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.


TRC is committed to ensuring the protection of our clients, their privacy and data we are entrusted to hold. Many of TRC’s customers are part of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors defined by the Department of Homeland Security. Our approach on cyber security is aligned with the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001:2013 to create consistency, which promotes cyber security throughout the organization.


More information on our performance in all of the above areas which we deem to be material to our business, can be found in our 2023 Sustainability Report. We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders on environmental and social issues and welcome input and feedback.

Photo of Christopher P. Vincze

At TRC, sustainability is a fundamental principle that drives our business. We are energized by these opportunities to make the Earth a better place, and our commitment to this Vision gives us purpose.

Christopher P. Vincze

Chairman and CEO of TRC

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